Ulsterbus Fleet News 2022
Previous years news 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 01/11/22 - For the first time in many months there were no new buses entering use during October. Returning to use are Schoolruns 386 (Dungannon, PSV complete), 247 (Derry, chassis repairs complete) and Caetano 2031 (Omagh, Aircon upgrade complete). 3 further Streetdecks cascaded from Metro and repainted two tone blue are 3140/1 at Craigavon and 3150 at Enniskillen. Buses detaxed in September are 0014 (Lisburn, accident damage), 201 (Craigavon, engine repairs), 298 (Derry, crossmember repairs), 308 (Enniskillen, crossmember repairs), 533 (Dungannon, engine repairs), 1944 (Larne, gearbox repairs), 2323 (Omagh, Reserve), 2326 (Dungannon, bodywork repairs) and 3358 (Magherafelt, accident damage), 2446 (Bangor, Reserve), 2469 (Coleraine, Reserve), 2888 (Omagh, Reserve) and 2978 (Ards, Reserve).On the move are 2309 (Craigavon - Ards), 2875 (Enniskillen - Dungannon), 1131 (GVS - Larne), 1255 (Larne - GVS), 428 (Antrim - Larne), 2278 (Larne - Antrim) and 2318 (Craigavon - Bangor). Further Scania L94's re-registered are: 2444 (FXI 384 - BYZ 7488), 2406 (FXI 406 - BYZ 7614), 2420 (GXI 420 - BYZ 7620), 2438 (GXI 438 - BYZ 7634), 2440 (GXI 440 - BYZ 7764), 2441 (GXI 441 - BYZ 7765). Vehicles sold During October 2022 are 824, 2238, 2436/41/51/62/5/73 to Hamill, Ahoghill for scrap, 1004/8/24/32/38/62 to John Hill Coach Sales, Melton Mowbray, 1011 to Hectares Plant Sales, Jonesborough and 2055 to Ardee Coach Trim Ltd, Ardee.Irizar i4 1050 has gained a promotional livery for the game of Thrones Studio Tour.
01/10/22 - The final 2 Wrightbus Hawks of the current group commenced fault free running during September, initially allocated to York Road:
2607 YUI 3607 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 07/09/22
2608 FXI 388 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 07/09/22Both have now completed their commissoning and are allocated to their permanent depots : 2607 (Enniskillen) and 2608 (Ballymena).Returning to use are i4 1048 (Armagh, repairs complete) and 617 (Magherafelt, completion of engine repairs), B9s 2261 (Antrim) and 2290 (Larne), both after completion axle repairs, L94s 822/31 (Lisburn, for Royal Hillsborough shuttles) and B7Rs 396 (Ards, completion of wheelchair lift repairs) and 262 (Lisburn, completion of axle repairs). More Streetdecks cascaded from Metro and repainted two tone blue are 3136-9 which are all at Craigavon. Buses detaxed in September are 820 (Lisburn, to Reserve) 831/2406/79 (Enniskillen, to Reserve), 2884 (Dungannon, to Reserve), 331 (Lisburn, engine repairs), 359/72 (Dungannon, axle and engine repairs respectively) and 563 (Armagh, engine defects). B12B/Sunsun 1770 has now been withdrawn after its accident in July. On the move are 2884 (Enniskillen - Dungannon), 822 (Lisburn - Antrim), 2326 (Craigavon - Dungannon) , 2308 (Craigavon - Ards) and 2329 (Craigavon - Derry).Further Scania L94's re-registered are: 2451 (GXI 451 to KEZ 7451), 2454 (GXI 454 to KEZ 7454), 2456 (OXI 518 to KEZ 7456), 2462 (HXI 462 to KEZ 7462), 2464 (HXI 464 to KEZ 7464), 2465 (HXI 465 to KEZ 7465), 2470 (HXI 470 to KEZ 7470), 2472 (FXI 398 to KEZ 7472), 2473 (OXI 523 to KEZ 7473), 2474 (HXI 474 to KEZ 7474), 2407 (FXI 387 to BYZ 7379), 2430 (FXI 400 to BYZ 7380), 2435 (FXI 395 to BYZ 7381), 2443 (GXI 443 to BYZ 7382) Vehicles Sold During September 2022 are 778/818/21/3/5/7/33, 2401/2/4/7/14/6/35/43/9/54/6/9/60/1/76 and 2984/93, all to Hamill, Ahoghill for scrap.
01/09/22 - More Wrightbus Hawks commenced fault free running during August, all initially allocated to York Road:
2598 HXI 478 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 15/08/22
2599 BYZ 299 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 15/08/22
2600 JFZ 7007 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 15/08/22
2601/2 BYZ 3261 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 15/08/22
2611-6 YUI 3711 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 15/08/22
2569 YUI 3759 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 16/08/22
2582 YUI 3782 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 16/08/22
2617-9 YUI 3719 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 23/08/22
2620 YUI 3750 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 23/08/22
2604 YUI 3741 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 25/08/22
2603 BYZ 3263 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 26/08/22
2605 YUI 3752 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 26/08/22
2621/2 YUI 3721 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 26/08/22
2606 YUI 3606 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 26/08/22
Similar buses which have completed their commissoning and are now allocated to their permanent depots are : 2595-9/2600-3/17/8/20-2 (Coleraine), 2610-6 (Bangor), 2582 (Ards), 2569 (Omagh) and 2604-6 (Enniskillen), whilst other additions to the fleet are B5s 2124/5 (Milewater) and Streetdecks 3148 (Lisburn), 3149 (Enniskillen), all cascaded from Metro and repainted in the 2-tone blue livery. Also repainted are Stranraer based B11Rs 1102/3 which have gained Scottish Citylink colours. Back in use are 2327 (Enniskillen, body repairs complete), 233 (Newry, axle repairs complete), 234 (Newcastle, axle repairs complete), 540 (Ballymena, engine repairs complete) and 2224 (GVS, engine repairs complete). The buses detaxed at the end of June for the school holidays returned to use on 1st September, with the exception of 222 (Dungannon, Engine Repairs), 247 (Derry, Chassis Repairs), 262 (Lisburn, Axle Repairs), 386 (Dungannon, PSV Prep) and 396 (Ards, Replacement Wheelchair Lift).
Also detaxed/SORN'd at the end of August were: 818/22/8/31/2/2420/38-43/70 (Coleraine, to Reserve), 825/2435/43/56 (Ards, to Reserve), 1009/10 (GVS, to Reserve), 1043 (Magherafelt, to Reserve - gearbox defects), 2000 (Coleraine, seasonal), 2031 (Omagh, aircon upgrade), 2035 (Enniskillen, aircon upgrade), 2430/54 (Ballymena, to Reserve), 2450/1/62/4/5 (Bangor, to Reserve), 266 (Ards, to Reserve - long term accident repair), 2301 (Derry, to Reserve) and 2886 (Omagh, to Reserve). B7TL 2984 (Ards) is withdrawn due to engine defects, along with L94s 821/2444 (Coleraine, engine/chassis defects).
On the move are 1769/71 (Stranraer to Training Academy), 2979 (GVS - Ards), 1071 (Stranraer - Antrim), 411 (Newcastle - GVS), 461/2 (Omagh - Derry), 2121/2 (Newcastle - MSC), 2227/8 (MSC - Newcastle), 1056 (GVS - Ards), 2033 (Enniskillen - Derry) and 3154/5/8 (Newcastle - GVS).
One Further Scania L94's to be re-registered is 2428 (GXI 428), now BYZ 6731, whilst similar 763/85/815/2424/5/8/32/4 have passed to Hamill for scrap.
01/08/22 - More Wrightbus Hawks commenced fault free running during July, all initially allocated to York Road:
2567/81 YUI 3767 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 04/07/22
2583/86/90 YUI 3383 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 04/07/22
2584/91/2 YUI 3384 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 18/07/22
2593/4 YUI 3793 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 18/07/22
2595/6 YUI 3795 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 28/07/22
2609 BCZ 909 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 28/07/22
2610 YUI 3710 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 28/07/22
2597 TCZ 1771 Wrightbus Hawk B40F+56 02/08/22
Similar buses which have completed their commissoning and are now allocated to their permanent depots are : 2567 (Omagh), 2581/3/6 (Ards), 2590-2 (Newcastle), 2593 (Newtownabbey), 2594 (Coleraine) and 2609 (Ballymena).
Returning to use are Solo 1941 (Enniskillen, completion of electrical repairs) and i4 1050 (GVS, replacing 1011). At the end of July a large number of buses were detaxed/SORN'd: 778/2407 (Antrim, Reserve), 823/7 (Coleraine, Reserve), 1011 (GVS, Reserve), 1012/4 (Derry, Reserve), 1065 (Ards, reserve), 1072 (Antrim, Reserve with engine defects), 1770 (Stranraer, accident damage), 2413 (Newcastle, Reserve), 2480 (Newtownabbey, Reserve) and 2996/9 (MSC, Reserve), whilst L94 2428 (Ards) is withdrawn with chassis defects.
On the move are 3154/5/8 (GVS - Newcastle), 1056 (Newcastle - GVS), 1100-3 (GVS - Stranraer), 1009/10 (Derry - GVS), 2122/3 (MSC - Newcastle), 2227/8 (Newcastle - MSC), 2479 (Metro - Enniskillen) and 1208 (Coleraine - Derry).
Further Scania L94's re-registered are: 2425 (FXI 385 to BYZ 6285), 2414 (FXI 414 to BYZ 6496), 2416 (FXI 386 to BYZ 6497), 2461 (HXI 461 to KEZ 7461), 2432 (GXI 432 to BYZ 6495), 2404 (FXI 404 to BYZ 6505), 2434 (GXI 434 to BYZ 6506), 2449 (GXI 449 to BYZ 6510). Vehicles Sold During July 2022 are 764/2418/52/3/5/2879/90/7 to Hamill, Ahoghil for scrap and 1039 to John Hill Coach Sales, Melton Mowbray. Scania Rural 401 is another to be painted overall blue.
01/07/22 - As usual a number of new buses commenced fault free running during June, all initially allocated to York Road:
1795 XUI 8095 Volvo B8RLE/Sunsun SB3 C46F 03/06/22
2564/6/8/70 YUI 3764 Wrightbus Hawk B40F 06/06/22
2571/2/4 YUI 3771 Wrightbus Hawk B40F 10/06/22
2573/5 YUI 3773 Wrightbus Hawk B40F 17/06/22
2577/8/85/7 YUI 3777/8/3385/7 Wrightbus Hawk B40F 21/06/22
2576/9 YUI 3776 Wrightbus Hawk B40F 28/06/22
2580 YUI 3730 Wrightbus Hawk B40F 30/06/22
2588/9 YUI 3388 Wrightbus Hawk B40F 01/07/22
Buses which have completed their commissoning and are now allocated to their permanent depots are : B8RLEs 1795 /6 (Craigavon), 1797 (Coleraine), along with Hawks
2558-9 (Coleraine), 2563/4/6 (Bangor), 2568/70 (Omagh), 2571-5 (Lisburn), 2576-80 (Larne), 2585/7 (Ards) and 2588/9 (Antrim).
Returning to use are B12B 1786 (Training Academy, engine repairs complete), L94 832 (Coleraine, engine repairs complete), B11Rs 1100-3 (GVS, Summer service requirement), B5TLs 2119/23 (MSC, cascade from Metro), Streetdeck 3147 (Ards, cascade from Metro), Versa 1823 (Derry, engine repairs complete), Rural 441 (Downpatrick,engine repairs complete), B7Rs 370 (Ballymena, engine repairs complete), 250 (Dungannon, engine repairs complete), Caetano 2032 (Omagh, air con upgrade complete), Olympian 2000 (Coleraine, seasonal), and Solo 1968 (Omagh, engine repairs complete).
At the end of June a large number of buses were detaxed/SORN'd: 785/2879 (Ards, Reserve), 833/2404/34 (Antrim, Reserve), 824/34 (Coleraine, Reserve), 2414/6/24/5/32/61 (Lisburn, Reserve), 2436 (Ballymena, Reserve), 2449/60 (Bangor, Reserve), 2472/4 (Larne, Reserve), 1004/8 (Derry, Reserve), 1038/50 (Craigavon, Reserve), 233 (Newry, axle repairs), 1048 (Armagh, turbo repairs), 1941 (Enniskillen, electrical defects), 2261 (Antrim, axle repairs), 2290 (larne, axle repairs), 2301 (Derry, bodywork repairs) and 2327 (Enniskillen, bodywork repairs).
With the end of the 2021-22 school year the following vehicles were de-taxed on the 30th June for the duration of the school holidays:-
MSC 342, 393, 394
GVS 2978
Lisburn 197, 202, 203, 217, 218, 239, 240, 262, 263, 264, 329, 330, 331, 343
Newtownards 181, 310, 395, 396, 2878
Bangor 198, 199, 200
Craigavon 201, 251, 252, 253, 274, 275, 305, 306, 333, 334, 335, 336, 355, 356, 357, 2326
Downpatrick 194, 195, 196, 211, 237, 238, 293, 294, 341
Armagh 224, 225, 226, 276, 277, 278, 292, 367, 368, 391, 563, 2291, 2292
Newcastle 193, 210, 235, 236, 265, 295, 296, 340, 353, 354, 392
Newry 180, 189, 190, 191, 232, 257, 258, 259, 267, 268, 269, 290, 291, 318, 319, 327, 328, 332, 344, 345, 346, 347, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383
Dungannon 216, 222, 223, 250, 283, 314, 315, 326, 358, 359, 372, 373, 377, 378, 386, 397, 398
Pennyburn 192, 208, 209, 244, 247, 298, 300, 309, 348, 349, 364, 365, 366, 2876, 2877, 2882
Omagh 214, 215, 249, 301, 302, 303, 304, 385, 399
Enniskillen 212, 213, 307, 308, 311, 387, 388
Coleraine 204, 205, 221, 246, 248, 272, 273, 284, 285, 286, 316, 320, 321, 324, 325, 361, 362, 363, 375, 400
Ballymena 188, 227, 228, 229, 287, 288, 289, 297, 299, 313, 317, 322, 337, 338, 370, 371, 376, 384
Larne 185, 186, 187, 230, 231, 312, 323, 339
Magherafelt 182, 183, 184, 219, 220, 241, 242, 270, 271, 282, 350, 351, 352
Antrim 206, 207, 243, 254, 255, 256, 260, 261, 279, 280, 281, 369, 389, 390
Newtownabbey 429, 430, 1819, 1820, 1821, 2881, 2883, 2887
On the move are 2479 (Derry - Metro), 1209/10 (Coleraine - Derry), 2033 (DUngannon - Enniskillen), 2406 (Bangor - Enniskillen), 2404/73 (Larne - Antrim). Sanias being reregistered are 2401 (FXI 401 to BYZ 5720), 2452 (FXI 383 to KEZ 7452), 2459 (GXI 459 to KEZ 7459), 2402 (FXI 402 to BYZ 5869), 2460 (HXI 460 to KEZ 7460) and 2424 (GXI 424 to BYZ 6235). Vehicles Sold During June 2022 are 762/82/813/4/7/2892 to Hamill, Ahoghill, 1003/21/30/1/4/5/51/2057 to John Hill Coach Sales, Melton Mowbray, 1068/70/4/2058/9 to Ardee Coach Trim, Ardee, and 2051/4/6 to Ensign Bus Company, Purfleet. Antrim based Streetdeck 3346 has had Pride branding applied.
01/06/22 - More Wrightbus Hawks commenced fault free running during May, all initially allocated to York Road:
2553-5 GXI 423/YUI 554/BYZ 3255 06/05/22
2556 GXI 426 12/05/22
2558/9 GXI 458/BYZ 3559 19/05/22
2560-2 YUI 3760-2 24/05/22
2557/63/5 YUI 3757/63/5 30/05/22
Hawks which have completed their commissoning and are now allocated to their permanent depots are : 2553-7 (Coleraine) and 2560-2/5 (Bangor), along with a pair of B11R/Sunsun 1289/91 (Newry). Also returned to use are Solo 1941 (Enniskillen, repairs complete), Scania i6 137 (Stranraer, repairs complete), 2121/2 (Milewater, cascaded from Metro), 277 (Armagh, repairs complete), 480/2280 (Ards, repairs complete). Against this the following buses are in Reserve/SORN'd during May: 234 (Newcastle, axle repairs), 370 (Ballymena, engine repairs), 817 (Coleraine, Reserve), 1045 (Armagh, Reserve), 2224 (GVS, engine repairs), 2401/2/59 (Ards, Reserve), 2995/7 (Milewater, Reserve). 1100-3 (Newry, Reserve) and 2479 (Derry, Reserve). B7TL 2990 (Milewater) is withdrawn completely with engine defects are are B9TL 2238 (Lisburn, electrical fire, the first Ulsterbus Gemini to go) and Scania 2452 (Enniskillen, axle defects). On the move are 1944 (Newry - Larne), 2443 (Coleraine - Ards), 2435 (Bangor - Ards), 1135 (Downpatrick - GVS), 1279 (GVS - Downpatrick), 833 (Coleraine - Antrim), 2119 (Metro - Reserve), 2461 (Bangor - Lisburn), 2404 (Bangor - Larne), 1130/1 (Larne - GVS) and 1255/6 (GVS - Larne). Finally, Scania L94 2476 (Reserve) has been re-registered from HXI 476 to KEZ 7476.
09/05/22 - The final 3 Volvo B11R/Sunsundegui commenced fault free running during April, all initially allocated to York Road: 1290 (XUI 9790, 15th April) and 1289/91 (XUI9789/91, 29th April). Similar 1276 is now allocated to Magherafelt, with 1290 going to Newry, along with B8R/Sunsundegui 1794 (Craigavon) and 1798 (Coleraine). The next new buses will be another batch of 67 Hawks, with first ones ready being 2553/4/6-8/60-5 (GXI 423, YUI 554, GXI 426, YUI 3757, GXI 458, YUI 3760-5). Arrivals from Metro are Volvo B5s 2120-2, with 2120 being allocated to MSC, the other 2 to Reserve for preparation. Pleasingly these are being repainted in the two tone blue Urby style livery. Also returning to use after completion of repairs are B7Rs 227 (Ballymena), 212/311 (Enniskillen) along with L94 778 (Antrim) and B7RLE 526 (Coleraine). Rural 480 (Newtownards) is now detaxed for repairs along with B9TL 2280 (also Ards). i4s moved to Reserve during April are 1003/39/51 (Magherafelt), 1024/32 (Derry) 1049 (Craigavon) and 1069 (Newcastle), along with L94s 764 (Milewater), 2476 (Larne) and B7TL 2993 (MSC). L94s 2422 (Lisburn, reregistered to BYZ 5044) and 2429 (Ards, reregistered to BYZ 5057) are now withdrawn due to defects as is B7TL 2994 (MSC). On the move are 1792/3 (Reserve - Metro), 2479 (Coleraine - Derry, now carrying an AoA for Our Place in Space), 1005 (Derry - Magherafelt) and 1065 (Coleraine - Ards). Buses sold during April are Solo 1884 and Scanias 2422/9/63, all to Hamill for scrap. Finally, a Volvo BZL electric single deck was inspected on 6th May, on it's way south to Limerick.
05/04/22 - As usual a number of vehicles commenced fault free running during March, all initially allocated to York Road:
Volvo B8RLE Sunsundegui C46F: 1796-8 (XUI 8096/9797/8) 04/03/22
Volvo B11R Sunsundegui C51F: 1283/4/6 (XUI 9793/27/86) 04/03/22, 1285/7 (XUI 9729/87) 15/03/22 and 1276/88 (XUI 9776/88) on 22/03/22.
Buses which have completed their commissoning and are now allocated to their permanent depots are : 1278 (Magherafelt), 1281-7 (Derry), 1288 (Newry) and 1799 (Coleraine).Also returned to use are B7TL 2882 (Derry, ex Reserve), L94 764 (MSC, reseated to B37F+36, for Ukranian aid collection), B7RLE 512 (Coleraine, repairs complete), B7TL 2301 (Derry, repairs complete) and Solo 1934 (Lisburn, repairs complete). Against this the following buses are in Reserve/SORN'd from 31st March: 617 (Magherafelt, Engine Repairs), 778 (Antrim, Steering Box Repairs), 1021/30/1/4/5/ (Derry, to Reserve), 1049 (Craigavon, Engine Defects), 1051 (Magherafelt, Engine Defects), 1068 (Larne, to Reserve), 1823 (Derry, Engine Repairs), 1941 (Enniskillen, Electrical Repairs), 1968 (Omagh, Engine Repairs), 2051 (Downpatrick, to Reserve - the final Goldline i6), 2453 (Enniskillen, to Reserve), 2892 (Derry, to Reserve).Moves see 1043 go from Derry to Magherafelt, 2051 Stranraer to Downpatrick and 2033 Omagh to Dungannon.Reregistrations are Scanias 2408 (from FXI 408 to BYZ 4452), 2418 (from FXI 418 to BYZ 4456) and 2453 (from FXI 393 to KEZ 7453). Buses sold during March are i4s 1026/7/41/2/4/7/55/8/64/7/76/7/8 to Ardee Coach Trim Ltd, Ardee County Louth, i6s 2052/3 to Ensign Bus Company, Purfleet Essex and L94s 2408/78 to Hectares Plant Sales, Jonesborough.
06/03/22 - As usual a number of vehicles commenced fault free running during February, all initially allocated to York Road: Volvo B8RLE Sunsundegui C46F: 1794 (XUI 8090) 25/02/22Volvo B11R Sunsundegui C51F: 1274/7-80 (XUI 9774) 09/02/22, 1281/2 (XUI 9719/92) 25/02/22Buses which have completed their commissoning and are now allocated to their permanent depots are : 1130/1 (Larne), 1133 (Downpatrick), 1274 (Coleraine), 1275/7 (Magherafelt), 1279 (GVS) and 1280 (Derry).Also returned to use are Schoolrun 220 (Magherafelt, diff repairs complete), B7TL 2881 (Newtownabbey, following engine repairs), i4 1057 (Stranraer, PSV complete), B9TL 2227 (Newcastle, following engine repairs) and Rural 523 (Ballymena, following engine repairs). Against this the following buses are in Reserve/SORN'd from 28th February: 250 (Dungannon, Engine Repairs), 441 (Downpatrick, Engine Repairs), 526 (Coleraine, PSV Prep), 540 (Ballymena, Engine Repairs), 762 (Coleraine, To Reserve), 832 (Coleraine, Engine Repairs), 839 (Newcastle, To Reserve), 1070 (Larne, To Reserve), 1074 (Antrim, to Reserve with Engine Defects), 1786 (Training Academy, Engine Repairs), 2053 (Downpatrick, To Reserve ), 2301 (Derry, Engine Defects), 2408 (Downpatrick, To Reserve), 2886 (Omagh, Ongoing Engine Defects) and 2892 (Derry, Engine Defects), whilst 2463 (Bangor) is withdrawn completely after an accident on 28th February. Moves see 2480 go from Coleraine to Newtownabbey, 1075 (Larne - Antrim), 1818 (Newtownabbey - Craigavon) and 2454 from Downpatrick to Ballymena. Reregistrations are 2426 (from GXI 426 to BYZ 3903) and 2463 (from GXI 426 to KEZ 7463), with 2426/48/58 and 2992 being sold to Hamill for scrap. The first of the B8RLE/SB3 has entered use at Coleraine (1799, XUI 9799).
06/02/22 - As usual a number of vehicles commenced fault free running during January, all initially allocated to York Road: Volvo B8RLE Sunsundegui C46F: 1799 (XUI 9799) 25/01/22Volvo B11R Sunsundegui C51F: 1270/1/2/3/5 (XUI 9770) 18/01/22Volvo B11RT Sunsundegui C60F: 1131/2/4/5 (XUI 9801) 18/01/2022, 1130/3 (XUI 9800) 28/01/22. Buses which have completed their commissoning and are now allocated to their permanent depots are : 1265-7 (Newcastle), 1270-3 (Coleraine), 1134/5 (Downpatrick) and 1132 (Larne). Also returned to use are Rural 436 (Armagh, following engine repairs), B9TL 2236 (Downpatrick, following engine repairs) and L94s 2428/9 (Ards, from Reserve), 2432 (Lisburn, from Reserve). Against this the following buses are in Reserve/SORN'd from 31st January: 212 (Enniskillen, engine repairs), 277 (Armagh, chassis repairs), 512 (Coleraine, chassis repairs), 764/1041/2 (Enniskillen, to Reserve), 1044 (GVS, to Reserve), 1054 (Newcastle, to Reserve), 1064/76/7/8 (Coleraine, to Reserve), 2052 (Downpatrick, to Reserve), 2056/7/8/9 (Larne, to Reserve) and 2418 (Armagh, to Reserve), whilst 2426 (Lisburn) is withdrawn completely after engine failure. Moves see 1813/4/5 return to Craigavon from Bangor, 1035 GVS to Magherafelt, 1071 Coleraine to Stranraer, 2053 Downpatrick to Stranraer, then returning to Downpatrick and 2053 Stranraer to Downpatrick. Further reregistrations are 2423 (from GXI 423 to BYZ 3257), 771 (from TCZ 1771 to BYZ 3387), 2478 (from HXI 478 to KEZ 7478), 2433 (from GXI 433 to BYZ 3617), 2448 (from FXI 388 to BYZ 3624) and 2431 (from GXI 431 to BYZ 3640). Sales see the following Scanias going to Hamill, Ahoghill for scrap: 771/2423/31/3. Finally, Versa 1814 has gained an allover advert for the Game of Thrones Studio Tour whilst i4 1057 has gained Scottish Citylink colours.
10/01/22 - A large number of buses commenced fault free running during December, all initially allocated to York Road:
Volvo B11R Sunsundegui C51F: 1257 (XUI 9757), 1261 (XUI 9761), 1263 (XUI 9763) 02/12/2021; 1262 (XUI 9762) 08/12/2021; 1258 (XUI 9758), 1259 (XUI 9759), 1260 (XUI 9760), 1264 (XUI 8089), 1268 (XUI 9718), 1269 (XUI 8099) 16/12/2021; 1265 (XUI 8098), 1266 (XUI 9766), 1267 (XUI 9767) 21/12/2021.
Wrightbus GB Hawk B40F+56: 2538 (HXI 468), 2540 (WXI 1400), 2542 (ROI 126), 2543 (FGZ 2233), 2544 (BYZ 2064), 2545 (ROI 145) 03/12/2021; 2539 (YUI 399) 06/12/2021; 2541 (FXI 415), 2546 BYZ 2066), 2547 (FXI 417) 09/12/2021; 2548 (VCZ 8811), 2549 (FXI 419), 2550 (FXI 409) 13/12/2021; 2551 (BYZ 2071), 2552 (BYZ 2052) 16/12/2021.
Buses which have completed their commissoning and are now allocated to their permanent depots are : B11R 1255-7 (Great Victoria Street), 1258-60 (Larne), 1261-4 (Newcastle), 1268/9 (Enniskillen) and GB Hawk 2534-6 (Armagh), 2537-9 (Downpatrick), 2540-3 (Dungannon), 2544-8 (Newry) and 2549-52 (Coleraine).Also returned to use are B7R 206 (Antrim) and B9TL 2223 (GVS), both after completion of engine repairs. Against this the following buses are in Reserve/SORN'd from 31st December: 220 (Magherafelt, Diff Repairs), 311 (Enniskillen, Engine Repairs), 523 (Ballymena, Engine Repairs), 814 (Coleraine, Reserve), 815 (Dungannon, Reserve), 1055/7/8 (Newcastle, Reserve), 2428/9/31/2 (Newry, Reserve - 2431 with accident damage), 2455 (Armagh - Reserve), 2478 (Lisburn, Reserve), whilst 2423 (Lisburn, axle casing) and 2448 (Newtownards, engine defects) are withdrawn completely. Similar 2458 has lost its GXI 458 registration in favour of KEZ 7458 again. Moves see 1816/7 go from Bangor - Craigavon, 2416 (Downpatrick - Lisburn), 2435 (Downpatrick - Bangor), 2422/3 (Dungannon - Lisburn), 2404 (Lisburn - Bangor) and 2430 (Newry - Ballymena). Also, from 6th December Milewater has operated as a sub-depot of GVS with the following allocated: 342/93/4/401-3,552/3/8/71/2, 2990/3-7/9, 3122-4. Sales see the following (including the final 2 Intercenturies in the fleet): 780/7/810/37/1685/2962 (Hamill, Ahoghill for scrap); 1765 (Transport Training Services NI Ltd, Crumlin); 1930 (Share Discovery Village, Lisnaskea).
01/01/22 - Happy New Year from Irish Transport Heritage.